
Advertising on WhatsApp for 2020

In Facebook Marketing Summit 2019, which took place in Rotterdam, some progress was made in what will be the advertising on WhatsApp .

Advertising on WhatsApp for 2020

Not to be alerted! These announcements promise not to invade our conversations but we will find them, by way of stories, when we navigate through the state of our contacts. From there we will have the option to go or enter to obtain more information.

What this application will allow is to arrive with an advertisement to 500 million users, something more than tempting for brands of mass consumption.

Where advertising penetration may be greater is in WhatsApp Business. According to what has been presented, an image-rich text ad can be seen when the company is talking to its customers. What is still unknown is whether the company in question will be able to handle this item, paying so that there is no advertising or capitalizing on it in that space.

Finally, any announcement made on WhatsApp may be advertised on Facebook and Instagram, and the management of the ads in general on the Facebook Ads platform.

We will have to wait to know more definitions and the exact date of its production.

Temas: wahtsapp , facebook
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