
Creating your own role-playing game without knowing how to program is possible thanks to RPG Playground

With RPG Playground plus your creativity you will be able to design role-playing games in the style of Legend of Zelda or the Pokémon sagas by simply dragging and dropping different elements in the world or fantasy scenario created.

Creating your own role-playing game without knowing how to program is possible thanks to RPG Playground

Without having knowledge of programming or code, from RPG Playgroud they suggest concentrating on a good plot, armed with an atmosphere suitable for the player to advance by choosing paths or routes to follow. One of the advantages of this game is having many variables to put together your story.

Ideal for generating projects to pass the time and have fun, but also as a personal project and homework. This app is 100% free, it will only require you to register. It works on both mobile phones and computers.

By clicking on this tutorial you will know how to make your first game for free and without knowing anything about programming or codes.

Temas: pokemon , zelda , videojuegos , rpg , games
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