Customize your WhatsApp

Customize your WhatsApp

Modify the wallpaper The possibility of modifying the background of the conversations, is included in the app practically from its beginnings. The application has predetermined backgrounds, although it is also possible to choose any image from the gallery of the devices. To modify the image that is displayed behind the chats, you must select the three points of the upper right margin in the general screen of the app and then "Chats> Background", where you can choose one of the following...

How to send a WhatsApp message to a user who has blocked you?

How to send a WhatsApp message to a user who has blocked you?

The reasons why we may have blocked in WhatsApp can be very diverse, even by mistake, in some cases certain users often confuse the action of blocking with the silencing. With the option of active blocking by a person, no matter how hard we try to send a message or call it through the app, they will not be received unless some advice is followed. First of all , it is necessary to have the certainty that you have blocked us in WhatsApp ... in a very simple way. If in the app we see a conta...

Pasos para esconder tu foto de perfil de WhatsApp a un contacto, sin llegar a bloquearlo

Pasos para esconder tu foto de perfil de WhatsApp a un contacto, sin llegar a bloquearlo

Lo primero que se debe hacer para ocultar tu foto a un contacto en particular de WhatsApp, sin llegar a bloquearlo, es eliminarlo de la lista de contactos. Este primer paso puede realizarse desde la agenda de contactos del teléfono o bien directamente desde la misma aplicación, seleccionando el nombre de la persona y eligiendo la opción “Eliminar”. A continuación hay que ingresar al menú de opciones de WhatsApp, es decir, en los tres puntos verticales ubicados en el extremo superior der...

Fail in WhatsApp enables other users to read your messages

Fail in WhatsApp enables other users to read your messages

A few days ago there was an error in the app that allowed a user to access messages from other users, even without knowing them. This failure is generated, mainly, because many people change their phone number and do not migrate their WhatsApp accounts to the new number. For this reason, if you have modified your number recently, from WhatsApp recommend that you perform the following steps as soon as possible. 1) First it is necessary to enter WhatsApp and select the three vertical points...

Download the new Christmas stickers on WhatsApp

Download the new Christmas stickers on WhatsApp

Christmas is coming and the Christmas sticks begin to be the protagonists, this time they add new to the offer that, since October, has the most used messaging app in the world. The new designs for these holidays belong to the collection called "Merry and Brigth", by the Spanish designer Miguel Angel Camprubí. They are very funny, with high quality designs and very original. The images have very different reasons from the traditional ones and can be downloaded in 2 simple steps: First ste...

Your cell phone with two WhatsApp accounts is possible

Your cell phone with two WhatsApp accounts is possible

Once you have the two lines working, the next step is to create two profiles. Having Android 5.0 or higher, you can create new accounts. You just need to go to Gmail> notification bar and click where your username appears. In that place a menu will be displayed that will allow you to add an account (identified with the plus sign). This is where you will have to add another GMAIL account that you have or create one for this specific occasion. Once created the two profiles you must ...

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