
Movie of the night: One search engine for all streaming platforms

Movie of the night helps you decide your next movie or series. Its search engine integrates the complete catalog of the most recognized streaming platforms with the most market penetration in the world.

Movie of the night: One search engine for all streaming platforms

Upon entering the app you will fill out a form where you will generate the search according to your preferences. The first thing to choose will be the country in which you are; then you will have the rest of the information to complete such as the genre of the film or series, keywords, actors, year of release, suggested age and duration. Once this form is loaded, Movie of the night will give you a result with all the options, informing you on which streaming platform it is available, a reference image and the title of the series or suggested movie. On certain occasions the trailer and a brief review are also added to the result.

Movie of the night not only simplifies the search but also helps you to compare the different streaming services, evaluating them according to the quality of the content and the opinion of the users.

To use this app it is not necessary to register, but if you do you can create watchlists of movies or series of interest, save your favorite chapters, among other personalized options.

Temas: netflix , movies
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