
Spotify shows you the lyrics of your favorite songs so you can sing out loud

It is now possible to sing by following the lyrics of the song you listen to on Spotify . The app had been working for a while to provide its users with this service that was in great demand. The main cause of delay was due to the licenses necessary to publish the song lyrics.

Spotify shows you the lyrics of your favorite songs so you can sing out loud

Now, thanks to an agreement with Musixmatch, it will be able to provide this service in more than 26 markets. Among them are Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, India, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, etc.

Where will the lyrics of the songs be displayed?

  1. Enter the page of your favorite artist.
  2. Select the song you want to listen to by tapping on it.
  3. The selected theme will start playing at the bottom of the app screen. Up to here as always.
  4. Tap on the bottom bar where the theme is running to open and fill the entire screen. There, in addition to the information that Spotify always shows, you will see a gray box with the title: Behind the lyrics .
  5. Slide the screen down to go to the option and a box with the title “LETRA” will appear, below it you will have the lyrics of your song that will appear at the rhythm it sounds.
Temas: music , musica , Spotify
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