Google Assistant: Updates for 2020

Google Assistant: Updates for 2020

Under the concept of smart home, this year, the Google assistant will add features that allow you to improve control over connected devices. For example, when you buy a new device, from the configuration you will be asked to connect it with the Google Assistant before starting work, something that has been achieved thanks to direct contact with the most prominent manufacturers. In terms of privacy, controls will be increased by adding voice actions that alert users to activate or deactivate...

Clear your conversations with Alexa daily

Clear your conversations with Alexa daily

In English: Alexa, delete everything I said today . In this way, the possibility of protecting your privacy is in your hands and not in those of Amazon that uses these audios to train Alexa through artificial intelligence learning all the time. For this functionality to be activated we must configure the wizard beforehand: Login to the App> Alexa account> Privacy> Review the voice history and within this option check "Enable voice removal". This feature is already active in the U...

Q came, a voice assistant without gender

Q came, a voice assistant without gender

In the South by Southwest of Texas (USA), one of the biggest festivals in the world that address the impacts of technology in society, "Q" was presented, the first voice assistant in which a genre is not recognized. This magnificent assistant was created by the Nordic team VIRTUE and Copenhagen Pride, who set themselves the goal of breaking with the prejudices of gender in technology. Anna Jørgensen, a researcher at the University of Copenhagen, participated in the development and said that...

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