Augmented Reality for navigation on Google Maps

Augmented Reality for navigation on Google Maps

Today it widens that range giving users the possibility to choose different paths to travel to reach a destination, navigating them in advance with RA Live View, as this function is called, will indicate your destination with really large arrows and text that will appear superimposed on the real world. All those smartphones, both Android and iOS that have support for ARCore and ARkit can access the trial version of Live View, so several models of Samsung, IPhone, Motorola, Google, HMD G...

In China they use smart uniforms in schools, to know the location of the students

In China they use smart uniforms in schools, to know the location of the students

The smart school uniforms were incorporated in some schools in China, through which it is possible to know the exact location of the students by means of two chips with GPS incorporated in the clothing. In this way teachers, parents or guardians can know exactly where each student is, even an alarm is activated when they are out of the establishment without consent. This clothing that allows to know the exact time of entry and exit of the students to the school was already incorporated in ...

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