Instagram would extend the duration of its Reels to 90 seconds

Instagram would extend the duration of its Reels to 90 seconds

Reels appeared when Tiktok began to gain popularity, as well as YouTube Shorts, so Instagram wants to differentiate itself by lengthening the duration of them. Everything seems to indicate that the platform is about to change its rules for Reels, since it will extend its current 60 seconds to the possibility of generating content of up to a minute and a half (90 seconds). Instagram hasn't made any official announcement yet, so the source of this information is a developer named Alessandro Pal...

Reels on Facebook

Reels on Facebook

The main objective of this proposal is to generate greater engagement with users and allow content creators to contact their audiences through short and attractive videos, as does the TikTok platform. In addition to this, Facebook is presenting a new program with the idea that creators of reels can monetize them through the visualizations of their videos. In short, Facebook is working on alternatives that allow it to generate new content that will keep it current in the face of the great grow...

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