
Vulnerability of SmatTV to cyber attacks

SmartTV is another option for hackers to attack; By being online and containing information such as photos, videos or documents, they expose users to possible kidnappings and extortion.

Vulnerability of SmatTV to cyber attacks

It is common that some users use their SmartTV to surf the Internet, exposing in this way many data that are the perfect attraction for cyber attackers. Hackers can access Netflix keys, Spotify , enter a virus or even "hijack" the TV to request a ransom.

Unfortunately, many televisions do not contain an efficient system to protect themselves from these cyber attacks, so it is recommended to navigate with certain precautions, secure sites, download official apps and have updated operating systems in addition to using a good antivirus.

ESET, a leading company in the proactive detection of threats, published a recent report called "SmartTV: a back door in our home?". In it he points out that there is a great vulnerability to cyber attacks through SmartTVs, since a high percentage of television sets operate under mobile systems and contain a lot of information such as photos, videos or documents that can be used for kidnappings and extortion.

According to the ESET report, the Android operating system, present in 39% of the SmatTV, helps hackers to obtain malicious codes to affect TVs, in addition to the fact that it is easy for them to enter cameras and microphones that allow them to use the voice assistant, games and conferences.

That's not all, ESET also points out that hackers can not only access files, they can also observe the movement in the house and even record conversations so the user is exposed to possible extortion and / or kidnappings.

Samsung offers an option to protect your SmartTV from hackers. This company provided a few simple steps to safeguard their smart TVs. For this it is necessary to enter the "Menu", then select the "System" option, then select "Smart Security" and finally activate the "Security on the device".

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