
Augmented reality at the service of decoration and ambience

Morpholio Board is a new payment app, which at the moment is only available on iOS, intended for interior designers, decorators and anyone linked to the setting of spaces, home design, furniture, among others.

Augmented reality at the service of decoration and ambience

This app works thanks to Apple's augmented reality technology. This form of visualization allows you to see in detail textures, finishes, position objects in different scenarios and see them really to scale so that both designers and buyers, who hire, can decide with realistic images the most goes with their style. On more than one occasion, these images and designs replace the renders.

What to do with Board?

See design tables, compare them. Visualize different furniture or design objects on a room. Design Change funds You can also link the app with your personal Pinterest boards and work with your team interactively.

Thanks to augmented reality, making presentations to your most demanding clients with Morpholio Board will make a difference.

Link to download Morpholio Board

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