
Clear your conversations with Alexa daily

Now Alexa allows you to erase all audios of what you asked during the course of the day. You just have to ask: "Alexa, delete everything I said today".

Clear your conversations with Alexa daily

In English: Alexa, delete everything I said today . In this way, the possibility of protecting your privacy is in your hands and not in those of Amazon that uses these audios to train Alexa through artificial intelligence learning all the time.

For this functionality to be activated we must configure the wizard beforehand:

Login to the App> Alexa account> Privacy> Review the voice history and within this option check "Enable voice removal".

This feature is already active in the USA. and will be expanding to the rest of the countries in stages.

Now if you're looking to erase all our stored history beforehand, you can only do it with specific applications like Jumbo .

Temas: alexa , amazon
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