
Google Health Studies is the new Google app dedicated to health.

In these months, due to the spread of COVID-19, many apps have emerged to help users. In this scenario, Google launches Google Health Studies , an app that will collaborate directly with professional doctors and researchers in the health area.

Google Health Studies is the new Google app dedicated to health.

The main objective is to collect information from people, who register as volunteers in this project, providing data and answering different types of questions. These data will be worked on in conjunction with Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical.

In this first stage, Google will focus on the study of respiratory diseases, obviously having a special section for COVID-19. Specify symptoms, know the prevention measures adopted, carry out tests for the presence of the virus, etc. The study area, for the moment, is limited to adults residing in the United States, but the idea is to expand this scope.

The important thing about this app, available for Android, is that it will provide doctors and researchers with valuable information to understand how diseases evolve and also recognize patterns of behaviors or routines, in certain segments of society, that can collaborate or prevent the spread of a disease. certain disease.

Link to download Google Play

Temas: salud , covid , health
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