
Step by step to create your stickers from WhatsApp Web

The new feature is only available on the web version of the messaging service. In this note you will find a step-by-step guide to learn how to use it.

Step by step to create your stickers from WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp has recently incorporated a new function for its version in browsers, it is the possibility of creating personalized stickers. At the moment it is not available for smartphone apps, or for PC applications.

Previous clarification! This tool can only be used with images in JPG format. In other words, at the moment you cannot create animated stickers from a GIF.

Step by Step:

  1. The first thing to do is find the image you want to transform into a sticker and it should be saved on the computer.
  2. Then you have to open WhatsApp Web from the browser.
  3. Next, it is necessary to enter a chat or group and find the image that was saved, from the icon in the shape of a clip.
  4. From the menu that was displayed when you clicked, you have to select the new "blue icon", which is used to create stickers. Bottom-up is the second option.
  5. When choosing it, you must search and upload the image that was previously saved and from there it is possible to make adjustments: crop, add an emoji or text, rotate, among other options.
  6. At the end it can be sent and it is automatically saved in the stickers library to be able to use it again later.

This is all!

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