Instagram messaging services, WhatsApp and Messenger will be linked

Instagram messaging services, WhatsApp and Messenger will be linked

According to The New York Times , the plans of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, are the assembly of messaging services. It will not be a single application that integrates WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger, since each one will continue to be independent, but messages between these services can be connected. What are the benefits of this union? Well, a user of a social network for example, Instagram, you can interact with someone who only uses WhatsApp or a Messenger user can s...

Instagram memories came to Instagram

Instagram memories came to Instagram

With the latest Instagram update for Android and iOS , it is possible to consult and share the memories of a few years ago. In the notifications section, you will see one similar to the following: When you click on the little watch that you quote: "Look what you did xx years ago", you can see the publication of that moment and share it automatically in Instagram Stories, adding texts, hashtags, labels, emojis and many more.

New Netflix feature allows you to link content on Instagram Stories

New Netflix feature allows you to link content on Instagram Stories

From January 22 the new Netflix function is available, where users of this digital platform can share through Instagram the contents they liked the most. How are they shared? It is very simple, if you join Netflix through the iPhone app you must navigate to find the title of interest to share and then select the " Share" option. Next it is necessary to choose the option "Instagram Stories", from the list of compatible applications. Immediately available in Instagram Stories the shared titl...

Voice messages on Instagram

Voice messages on Instagram

As in WhatsApp we must press the button to record and when we release the message will be sent. Limit of duration: 1 minute. This option had been very requested by the users, since a great percentage of them prefer to speak to write; also for those who do several tasks at once, the audio facilitates communication. Another audience in which Instragram has thought are the brands that you can raise your marketing communications using this new alternative.

The first Stalkers in the lists of Instagram Stories

The first Stalkers in the lists of Instagram Stories

Since June 2016, Instagram stopped publishing stories in chronological order and uses an algorithm that prioritizes user interaction with those of their followers. This means that Instagram will place at the top of the list those who investigate the profile of a particular user as well as those who are made more comments, put likes or labels. Users of "Reddit" conducted a test creating fake accounts, where they visited users without making public interventions such as commenting, putting la...

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