Instagram launches functions to combat bullying and offensive comments

Instagram launches functions to combat bullying and offensive comments

Instagram has been harshly criticized for not taking the necessary measures to avoid online harassment. For this reason, he recently announced that he is experimenting with a new function, enhanced with artificial intelligence, so that network users are notified if they are about to receive an offensive comment in a publication. For example, if someone writes an insult such as "you are ugly, silly, etc.", the app will give notice and first consult the owner of the profile to ensure that yo...

Anime-style faces illustrated by Artificial Intelligence

Anime-style faces illustrated by Artificial Intelligence

This curious web application allows you to get the character of your novel or your avatar in seconds without having to deal with copyright. Just click on the right button of your mouse on the face that you like to "save as" since the page does not have a download link. Every 15 seconds you will see a new face or when you update the page it will give you one instantly. It is worth clarifying that this application, as it names "waifu" as a wife, will only give you faces of women. We understa...

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