
Telegram brand distance of WhatsApp

In the quest to differentiate itself from WhatsApp , Telegram in its updates has added support to the app to contain podcasts and audilibriums, as well as a new theme editor, security settings, among others.

Telegram brand distance of WhatsApp

The main idea is to get off the line with WhatsApp by adding new features that take it off from the most used app in the world.

Change of themes: For the change of themes it is necessary to enter “chat settings” where you can choose the style of several elements such as messages or backgrounds. Regarding the latter, there are many to choose from. If you have your own fund and want to share it, you can also

Audios: If you are listening to an audio and you stayed somewhere to do something else, Telegram will remember where you left it to resume it from there.

Scheduled messages: Another Telegram proposal is to schedule the messages to be sent when the user connects to the app. This functionality is viable when the recipient has line status enabled.

Searching for places: Telegram users can now mark the destination without having to search from a pre-armed list.

Message search: This new update allows you to search within the messages, selecting those that contain the word specified in the search, such as a specific person or day of sending.

Security: This version allows you to verify if the source code of the collaborative development platform is the same that users download from the platforms (Google play and Apple store).

Temas: Telegram , whatsapp
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