
Online stores with Facebook Shops

In order to forcefully integrate e-commerce within the social network, Facebook works on the SHOPS tab that is already showing in some countries.

Online stores with Facebook Shops

Mark Zuckerberg seeks that Facebook and Instagram can cover the entire circuit that involves attracting and selling so that users who choose their products within the platforms do not need to leave them to make their purchase effective. This objective for the social network Facebook has already been met in some countries.

Creating your own store within Facebook is as simple as creating a page, having at the moment a store available to thousands of potential buyers. In addition, customers and sellers come into contact using Messenger, Instagram Direct or WhatsApp.

In order for each potential customer to find what they are looking for, Facebook Shops has designed very specific filters, thanks to computer vision software, which range from differentiating products by brands, designs, colors and styles, in addition to providing companies tools to personalize their stores, to present specific products or collections, etc.

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